Low risk, experienced PIC & AVR embedded application software and firmware development
Forest Electronics have an in depth knowledge and experience with the PIC and AVR micro-controllers, Raspberry Pi and Arduino integration. This experience is based partly from our own development work and partly from the unrivalled in-depth knowledge of micro-controller instruction set and peripherals which is gained through development of Compilers and Simulators to run with these micro-controllers.
We have a huge library of code which we can draw on to cover new developments - including USB, CAN bus, PWM, A/D Converters, programmers, DSP projects, Communications, Data storage, Data logging and fusion, Speech and many other specialist applications. All of this code can be reused to reduce development time and risk.
We also have in depth experience of PC application development especially for communication with embedded applications over serial or USB interfaces.
Contact us to discuss your development needs :
email : consultants@fored.co.uk
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